Why your faith in God is important in life.

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Fashion By Patti

Patti is professional Personal Stylist + Image Consultant based out of Toronto, Ontario.

Why Your Faith In God Is Important In Life!

What’s faith? Faith is having a complete confidence and trust in God without any reservation/s.

Acquiring a strong faith depends on your willingness to believe in God, his word and promises. Faith serve as a gateway to having peace that surpasses all understanding and calmness in the midst of any storm you may encounter in this journey called LIFE. Faith also guides you to stay grounded in God and in life.

Faith can’t be built on no shaky foundation as it requires the activation of your belief in God and a MINDSET that accept this belief that no matter the circumstances before you, God will work it all out in the end. Your mind plays a huge role in everything you do so you have to train it to get on board with the same energy as your heart and soul . By having all three on the same page will change your perspective in life.

I’ve come up with 3 points that will help guide your thoughts and also build your faith to a greater length.

Always remember, having faith means letting go off everything you’re holding on to and let God. This is something that most people struggles with and want to see and feel everything that concerns them. Reading your bible daily and putting what you’ve learned into practice slowly builds your faith. The bible is our personal guide that points us to the truth which is God. It is in God, we find our happiness, our purpose in life and so much more.

1. Accept God into your life: By accepting God for who he is (our saviour), you’re acknowledging that it’s through him everything in this world flows and by him, a stronger faith is born. As romans 10: 9-10 says “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.” 🙌

2. Read your bible: When you take the time to really dive into the word of God, he reveals himself to you and that elevates your faith even more. Reading the word and taking the time to truly understanding God’s purpose for your life changes the whole game. To know God is to know the truth which leads to achieving a strong faith. Your faith in God definitely reveals the devil’s semantics. Once the truth is made known to you, you’re set free from any bondage. 

3. Put points 2 & 3 into practice: The progress of your faith is born when you’ve positioned yourself in the right path through your acceptance of God as your personal saviour and the establishment of a solid relationship with him through the bible. Now trials and tribulation of this world will test your faith so don’t be discouraged when trouble comes because they solidifies your faith in God. With an unshakable faith, you can withstand any Tornado/tsunami the devil throws on your path. Your faith determines the outcome of your afflictions. Never fear the unknown because FAITH is born in uncertainty beloved!

Matthew 17:20 says “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you,”

A little advise: Let’s continue to work on our faith 🙏




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